Sunday, December 22, 2013


So. How does one begin? I have long wanted to have a space of my own to record and remember because these days--they vanish, and I find myself with years of notebooks unchronicled, letters unwritten, and pages bereft of ink. And while I think I will always prefer pen & paper to the stroke of keys, sometimes even bibliophiles need a space to call home in the cloud. And, so, here I hope to etch out my thoughts and fancies from time to time--mostly for my own benefit and for my family's, so that I am less likely to forget the doings. And though I may wish this space to be a retreat full of eloquent words & wisdom, it is far more likely to detail the flaws, the hard, the imperfect. Because life is far more often messy than elegant. But if Ann Voskamp has taught me anything, it is that if you look closely, there is a beauty even in the messy, even in the imperfect. And by counting it all joy, therein is grace.